Monday, November 28, 2016

Shameless and Donald Trump Rant

In 2016, Donald Trump built his platform for the presidential candidacy on racism. He insisted that immigration was the reason that the job market was becoming more and more minuscule. His plan for America is to build a wall around us to "Keep Mexico out". He blatantly said that a Mexican judge couldn't be trusted because of his heritage. He's said that when Mexico brings it's people that they're bringing "rapists and criminals". He then tastefully added that some. he assumes, are good people. Just some though. There's no doubt that Donald Trump is racist. But as of now, he has won the Presidential vote. As you might have guessed, race is definitely a factor in politics lately. Donald Trump has singled out Mexicans as untrustworthy, criminals, and rapists. He also has said that he believes Black Lives Matter is a terrorist group. When footage was released of a black man chanting Black Lives Matter at a Trump rally, being attacked by supporters Donald Trump had no words. Except that "Maybe (he) should've been roughed up. What he was doing was absolutely disgusting."

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With all that said, the relationship between whites and minorities is strained. It's hard for some people to see past racism and realize that not all Mexicans are criminals and it's also hard for some people not to blame "white people" out of anger for the injustices they have to face. It's not white against black or black against white or black vs. brown, it's poor vs. the rich. That's the dividing factor. Sure Donald Trump is a horrible racist, but we need not focus on his racist rhetoric and see the problem for what it is. The elite vs the people. Black, white, brown, we are the people. Shows like Showtime's "Shameless" really give a good inside look of what it means to live in poverty. The show follows a poor, white family going through a lot of the problems we think that whites don't usually have to face. Things like addiction in the family, gang violence, teen pregnancy, discrimination, and etc. It shows that regardless of your skin tone, we all go through the same struggles. It's one of the few shows on television that celebrate tolerance and acceptance of others.

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